Essential Worker Child Care Scholarship

What is the Essential Worker Child Care Scholarship?

On June 23, 2021, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced that New York State would provide $25 million in child care scholarships to all essential workers. These scholarships are being provided to support working families and the child care industry as part of the federal Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act and the American Rescue Plan Act. Ultimately, they are expected to provide much needed relief for working families, while strengthening the economy.

Essential workers include caregivers, other health care workers, law enforcement, first responders, food delivery workers, grocery store employees, and pharmaceutical staff.

New York State’s Office of Children and Family Service (NYS OCFS) will administer the $25 million in the form of direct payment made to qualifying childcare providers on behalf of essential workers to assist with childcare fees and tuition. The funds can be used to cover existing child care expenses, or the funds can be used to cover the childcare tuition for a new provider or facility. The essential worker must cover any fees not subsidized by the scholarship.

What is the Purpose of the Essential Worker Child Care Scholarship?

The Cuomo Administration has decided to use a portion of New York’s funds from the Federal Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act and American Rescue Plan Act to offer these child care scholarships to essential workers. The reason for providing these scholarships is to bring New York closer to a full economic recovery sooner rather than later. In addition, these funds will help ensure that the essential workers who were an integral part of what it took to hold the country together during the pandemic can continue to work without having to contemplate safe, consistent child care for their children.

In addition to supporting essential workers, these child care scholarships are meant to help those who work in the childcare industry. Qualified child care providers may be able to fill vacancies brought about by the pandemic as parents begin to return to work.

Addressing the child care crisis by providing adequate, safe, affordable child care is key to economic recovery. Otherwise, parents are forced to stop working altogether or work a reduced schedule to supervise their children when they aren’t in school.


To be eligible to receive a child care scholarship, you must be an essential worker, working outside the home with an income that is less than 300 percent of the federal poverty guidelines ($79,500 for a family of four). Funding will cover the cost of child care for children under the age of 13 or those under the age of 19 who are physically or mentally incapable of caring for themselves. Payments will be made directly to the child care provider on the essential workers behalf. Families must also attest that no one else in the household is available to provide child care to be considered eligible.

The chart to the right outlines the income thresholds for eligible families.

Lastly, It is important to note that the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES 3) child care scholarships ended on June 28, 2021. Essential workers who were receiving those funds are strongly encouraged to apply for this new opportunity. An essential worker must apply for and be awarded the Essential Workers Child Care scholarship to continue receiving funding for child care. Previous applications will not be considered for this program; one must reapply.

How to Apply Today

To apply for an Essential Worker Child Care scholarship, an essential worker must first create an account at and follow the prompts for the Essential Worker Scholarship program. Applications are processed and awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis, so it is imperative that one applies as early as possible to increase the chances of receiving this award. Royal Care home health aides and healthcare workers are encouraged to apply if he/she is eligible.